The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 23 | Strength

Its Father’s day weekend, and I am sure there are going to be tons of inspiring and moving images of fathers and their children this week. I thought about it. But this poor little tree kept coming back to me. Let me tell you its story…

Several weeks ago, in the midst of a drought and 100 degree heat, we (in all our wisdom) decided to redo our flowerbeds. Ok… it was me… but my husband helped. Anyhow, in an older section of our planting beds, this little China Berry Tree had set up his home and was growing beautifully amidst my coneflowers. He was happy as a clam.

I love China Berry Trees, and so I wanted to try to transplant him instead of just “weeding” him out. So I started thinking about where I would like some additional shade in our yard and chose a spot just outside the backyard fence with aspirations of shading the swing set in years to come. So we attempted to dig a hole. It was more like blasting through concrete, but we got it done. Added some good dirt, watered and mulched.

I watered for the next few days and by the end of the week this little guy was Stone.Cold.Dead. ( or so I thought) After a few more days of watering this shriveled, brown, crunchy stick I said my goodbyes and then proceeded to forget about him. I felt bad for moving this tree from his wonderful, cozy nurturing spot to the midst of plant hell. But I moved on.

Fast forward to a few days ago ( its been almost 3 weeks). My husband calls me at work one afternoon. “Hey, guess what? That China Berry Tree is alive.” There is no way, I said. Its dead. ” No, Seriously. Its growing!”

As soon as I got home that evening I rushed over to see, and sure enough. Despite my neglect, the continuing heat and LACK of watering, this little guy is fighting against all odds and is sprouting new growth. Now THAT my friends is STRENGTH!

Forgive the lack of artistic value in this photograph. This week is all about theme for me. And the inspiration that can be found in what seems like the most insignificant of things. Y’all have a great week!

And don’t forget to make the rounds! Check out Kristin M. Young and see what goodies she has for us!


Stacey S - That’s one strong little guy! Yay!

Erin Norman | Las Vegas Engagement and Couples Photographer - No, it has great artistic value! What a great testament that we can overcome anything and “grow”.

Ali C - Grow baby grow! Strength indeed!

kristin m. young - i think i can…i think i can…i think i can…

Cara - Go little tree, grow! Love the resiliency of nature. Now I’m off to see what a China Berry tree looks like when it grows up :).

JessicaN - Wow, how awesome! And that shot is amazing, love the texture!

Carrie Terrones - What a little trooper! maybe I need to plant some of these…since I can’t seem to keep anything alive, maybe this would live!

Jessica Holden - This is BEAUTIFUL!! I just love the promise…

Amy Lucy - That is one tough little tree!

For the Love of Film: January » Rachel Potter Photography | Vicksburg, MS Pet Portrait Photographer | - […] This image is special to me in that two years ago I shot this struggling transplant for my Project 52… which can be seenĀ  HERE!!! […]

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