The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 21 | Flowers

Its time for my Bloom Forum Project 52! And guess what?!?!?!?! The theme this week is FLOWERS! I just happen to have a ton of blooming goodness in my flowerbeds right now and I have been having so much fun using my Macro lens to document them! And every sentence thus far has a “!” Can you tell I was excited about this week?…!

ok… so I know this is complete overkill…. Bare with me. And when you are done, make sure to make the rounds! Next up is Kristin M. Young, photographer of all things beautiful!







Cara - Beautiful Rachel, I am so envious of all that colour, its winter here and I had to settle for weeds.

Amy Lucy - Wow, you really do have a lot blooming right now! I’m jealous. Love all these fabulous colors.

Erin Norman | Las Vegas Engagement and Couples Photographer - Yes, I’m super jealous! I love all the colors! And that bee shot is amazing! I was too scared to get that close to one, lol. (And look at me with the exclamation points too, hee hee)

Christina - These are so pretty! I love the bee! I also love the color. I can’t decide which is my favorite. What a beautiful garden.

Stacey S - WOW Rachel! I love all of them (and the bee, lol). How wonderful to have such a gorgeous garden (and a macro lens!!). The flower in my post is a Blood Lily (scadoxus multiflorus). It would be right at home with all those amazing and interesting flowers of yours! :)

Tamara - Wow and wow again. You have a gorgeous garden. Love the vibrant colors. So many favorites

JessicaN - Oh beautiful beautiful! What a gorgeous collection and the lilly’s are totally my fav.

Ali C - These are incredible! I tried shooting bees today with much less success!

Carrie Terrones - If I had a garden like that I would have taken a ton too…gorgeous!!!

AmandaB - the colors are gorgeous. i bet your garden looks beautiful!

Rachel - Oh wow!! Just gorgeous!!

Jenna Stubbs - Wow Rachel! I love the flower pictures. The colors are awesome in them! You are def rocking the 100L. I rented it for a month and never could get images like this! That is one sweet lens though!

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