The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 37 | Machinery

When I saw this week’s theme, I knew who I was going to hit up for a photo op!    My dad is a tinkerer.     His garage is filled with old machine parts,  new machine parts and every tool imaginable.    His current passion is to build model engines of all kinds.    So here are a few of his pieces.    On the models… each screw was HAND MADE from rods of metal.    Each piece milled down to millimeters and fashioned to fit perfectly.    Amazing.




Now head on over to Christina Anglum, Katy Texas Photographer   and  see what she has in store for us this week!


Stacey S - Way to go having access to all that great machinery! Your images are absolutely perfect.

Cara - Fabulous shots Rachel what a great record of your dads interest in machinery!

jessican - You had some great subjects this week. That first shot is gorgeous.

Christina - fabulous bokeh in those first few. these are so cool!

Amy - What a cool place! I can’t imagine having that kind of talent. So lucky to have a close relative who does! Great job, Rachel!

Tamara - Perfect location for this weeks theme. Great job

Rachel - Wow! Some of those look scary!

Carrie Terrones - WOW!%20THese%20are%20all%20such%20amazing%20captures%20and%20your%20bokeh%20is%20killer!!!!!

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