The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 36 | Pile or Stack

Ok.. I’m going to go ahead and admit I left this to the last second this week.    I didn’t even know WHAT the theme was until late last night.   “Pile or Stack”     Huh!?!??    Great.   What do I do… Take a picture of the Pile of laundry I haven’t done this week… or the Stack of dishes needing to be put in the dishwasher??      Not to mention I’m on call this weekend and so I will be going to the clinic first thing in the morning… and then it hit me.   THE STACK!     At our vet clinic each patient has a record.   We keep all the records in the treatment area of animals that are at our hospital at the time.    We call it “the stack”    sometimes even  “the pile”      This weekend is particularly large.   My patients include:


A dog that was hit by a car and collapsed a lung… doing well now.

A dog mauled by a group of other dogs… he’s felt better but he’s recovering.

A ancient yorkie with kidney failure… he is keeping everyone up with his barking.

3 kittens (about 4 weeks old)  my father in law “found” and now I’m trying to teach how to eat on their own… 1 out of three got it.

And a dog that the owner swears was chased in the woods by someone carrying a machete… the owner never SAW this but insists thats what happened…. He is doing great, although resembles Frankenstein.

And that is just the ones in “ICU”


So without further ado… I must get back to my “stack”



Now lets see what Christina, Katy Houston Texas Photographer has on her plate this morning!




Stacey S - Wishing all pups and kitties a speedy recovery! That stack is perfect for this week.

Ali C - I’m glad you’ve got all those furry friends on the road to recovery! I love the light and composition of your image!

Ali C - I’m glad you’ve got all those furry friends on the road to recovery! I love the light and composition of your image!

Cara - That is one big stack. Your work must be incredibly gratifying and heartbreaking in one!

kristin m. young - i am going to have to start calling you the pet whisperer–that is an impressive stack!

jessican - Wow look at that paperwork. Sorry to hear about the doggies – I hope they are feeling better.

Carrie Terrones - Oh%20my%2C%20what%20sad%20ICU%20stories.%20Lots%20of%20good%20wishes%20to%20all%20the%20doggies!

Amy Lucy - Wow. There was a point in my life when I briefly considered becoming a vet because I adore animals, but I never questioned whether it would be an easy job. I admire you for all that you do. I wish I could bring my dogs to you and their charts to that stack. :)

Rachel McPhillips - Fantastic take.. and glad those fur-babies are doing well!

Rachel McPhillips - Fantastic take this week and glad those fur babies are doing well!

Christina - poor babies! i hope they all heal quickly. :(

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