The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 35 | Neighborhood Walk…

ok… Its Sunday.   And I cheated.    I admit it.


See… the thing is,  we don’t live in a neighborhood.   This is what I told myself when selecting this image for this week.    But it IS an image of our community.  Up on the hill… in the trees.    Phoenix, MS.    Population varies… depending on the time of year… and if you count the cows, horses, pigs, armadillos and possums..   I love it here.    Its in the middle of nowhere and the center of my heart.

This was taken while Tropical Storm Lee made his way over our section of the world.   Brought lots of much needed rain for us.   Thanks Lee… appreciate it!



Now head on over to CARRIE TERRONES and see whats going on in her neighborhood!


Stacey S - What a fantastic image! So glad you got the much needed rain.

robyn - great images…and glad you hear you got the rain you needed.

Cara - Love all the open space and trees!

jessican - Wow what an amazing sky! We got some of Lee here too and it caused tons of flooding. Glad you got some well deserved rain.

Carrie Terrones - Wow…what a lovely shot of an intense storm. Beautifully captured!

Ali C - Wow! What a gorgeous landscape. The colors are so rich and intense!

Amy Lucy - Such a pretty sight! I love the country!

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