The Bloom Forum | 10 on 10 | September 2011

In case you forgot what my 10 on 10 project entails:

Each month, on the 10th of the month,  our group of 10 photographers will post a photo essay of a day in the lives of their family.    Preferably 10 images… shot roughly an hour apart for 10 hours.     Our goal is to get back to what made us pick up a camera in the first place… wanting to capture our family memories forever.   An attempt at preserving a sliver of our lives.


The day is Sunday… it could be any Sunday, but this happens to be Sunday, September 5, 2011.   We just got home from church.   Tropical Storm Lee is heading our way and promises to bring lots of rain our way….


Before the deluge..  We spent some outside time.   Cameron immediately took to his favorite activity of the moment… Bug Hunting.



Coley decided to attempt a spin on the Big Wheel… something her legs are not long enough for yet… she got pretty frustrated.




After Lunch we went to go watch a movie,   The kids decided to make a  camp out…




After the movie.. everyone took REAL naps.. even mommy and daddy.   I managed to catch this one before he woke up…





As soon as Coley woke up.. she joined Cameron in his bed.   He was not thrilled.




A game of footsie war ensued..




Cameron wanted to go out and play in the rain.




So we said… “WHY the heck NOT??!?!?”




And loaded up in the Truck to do what real “rednecks” do in the middle of a tropical storm…




Drive around and “look”….





Later the children had to entertain themselves indoors… I almost didn’t include this one because it shows the mess their “playroom/our foyer” was in… but hey… its real life… and its our life…  You CAN see my good intentions there in the corner… see the broom??!?!




And we followed it up with a great supper!    As I watched her… I just kept thinking to myself… there is nothing funnier at the table than watching a two-year old eat!


I hope you all had a WONDERFUL month with your families!     Now don’t forget to make the rounds!   Next up is Emily at Camelia Street!     See ya next month!!!!


Vicky - Looks like a great day. You little one are really adorable….and what a relief to know that play areas at other peoples houses also look like they had a storm of their own 😉

Nancy - Rachel ~ Great images!! Love the one about the “rednecks” ~ that is so true :) Your kids are adorable!!

Carrie Terrones - Oh%20Rachel…BUG%20HUNTING%3F!%3F!%20Ewe!%20I%20am%20so%20glad%20my%20Chase%20hasn’t%20figured%20that%20one%20out%20yet!%20Love%20each%20of%20these%20images%2C%20especially%20the%20window%20shot.%20What%20gorgeous%20light.%20Looks%20like%20a%20great%20day!

Alli - Love your narration…it really helps the images come to life! And that first image is so precious with those great smiles!

Callie - Adore these Rachel! I can smell the MS in the first one…that smell that comes right before or as it starts to rain in Mississippi (I’m from McComb). This whole post makes me miss home. and I ADORE the one of your boy looking out the!

Kathy - It’s so liberating for kids to play in the rain. What a great way to spend a rainy day! Thanks for sharing!

emily horton - I love all of these! my favorite is the one where they’re looking out at the rain. :-)

Jessica Holden - Oh Rachel these are priceless! I especially love the one of Cameron in the window light–so soft and beautiful!

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