The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 30 | Motion

Its Sunday! Time for our Bloom Forum’s Project 52!

This week our theme is Motion. I wasn’t sure WHAT I was going to do for this week. I kept thinking something would eventually come to me… but alas… here it was, Saturday afternoon and I had nothing! We were going over to a fellow Bloomie, Shea Parker’s house for a cooking, so I hoped that the kiddos would provide me with some inspiration. And they delivered! Shortly after we arrived it started to storm. The kids desperately wanted to go outside afterwards so we stripped them down and let them have at it. At one point all three swings were going at one time…. They had a ball! And I got my shot (s).


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So… I might get in trouble for this part: WHY were we meeting at Shea’s house. Well other than she’s a great person and had suggested we get our kids together ages ago… there are sparks in the air… ( we hope). Its funny how divine intervention works sometimes. I met Shea for the first time at the Jackson area Bloom meet up. Her sister’s son was one of our models. I took a few pictures of him that turned out pretty well and was chatting with Shea about her sister. Long story short… we set her sister and my best friend up to meet. So after weeks of emails and then the first date… and second… and third… Shea decided it was high time he meet some of the family. So to help ease the nerves she invited us too. They are freaking adorable and we hope they continue to develop into something wonderful for them both. I managed to get a few (unwilling) shots of them as well. but shhhhh ( they don’t know I’m posting these “unapproved” shots) I couldn’t help it!




The Bloom Forum | 10 on 10 Project | August | Family Blog of an Aspiring Photographer - […] the kids went back outside… sans some clothing and had a blast! ( to see more of these… see previous post! […]

Shea Parker- Clinton MS Photographer and Card Designer - HAHA! I love all the pictures and I won’t tell about the unapproved ones!

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