The Bloom Forum | Project 52 | Week 26 | Flare

This week has flown by and I am sorry to admit, I have not had time to work on my submission as I should have. I made a commitment to myself that I would not skip a week. SO far, I’ve managed. I tried to shoot some sun flare yesterday, but clouds rolled in. So for this week, I have two images. One is an oldie. The first time I ever shot flare intentionally. I was with a practice shoot with my friend MIchael and he gave me some tips. We were using his cousin as a model. I had a blast. If I had the file in a easily identifiable spot, I would re-edit this now. But I don’t I may try to look for it later because it would be good practice.

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My second shot is demonstrating a different kind of flare….. Country Flare…. This is how my daughter usually dresses… Mismatched clothes and boots. She brings a style to it all her own…. Country Flare… Coley Flare.

Now lets head on over to Amanda at Palmetto Posh Photography to see what she has in store for us this week!!


Stacey S - GREAT images this week! And your daughter’s “country flair” is just too cute.

Carrie Terrones - Love that country flare…such a cutie!

Rachel - haha.. love your daughter’s “flare”.

Amy Lucy - I think those boots are PERFECT!!

JessicaN - Ok that first one is gorgeous but the second one is priceless. I love her outfit!!!

Ali C - Love them both! Your daughter definitely has style! Love the boots!

Christina - Very pretty! I love that country flair, TOO cute!

Cara - Both shots are wonderful, but absolutely love the country flair.

robyn - so awesome. both of them!

Tamara - Great shots. Love the country flare!

Kate - I’m loving both of the flare shots…especially those little boots!!!

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